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BancoItem represents an item that has a value in banco's economy. It can be converted to a Bukkit ItemStack with the BancoItem::asItemStack method.

Supporting items from other plugins

Other plugins can make their items compatible with banco very easily by creating a record that implements BancoItem. Here is a full example:

public record ItemsAdderBancoItem(String identifier, BigDecimal value) implements BancoItem {

    public ItemStack asItemStack(int amount) {
        ItemStack itemStack = CustomStack.getInstance(identifier).getItemStack();
        return itemStack;


Server owners can now use ItemsAdderBancoItem as a valid item loader:

  - type: ItemsAdderBancoItem
    identifier: example_identifier
    value: '1'

Getting a BancoItem from an ItemStack

You can get a BancoItem from an ItemStack by using the BancoItemRegistry::get method:

BancoItemRegistry itemRegistry = banco.getItemRegistry();
BancoItem bancoItem = itemRegistry.get(itemStack);


If there is no BancoItem matching the ItemStack, BancoItem will be null. You must run the necessary checks in your code before proceeding.

You can also check if an ItemStack is a valid BancoItem with BancoItemRegistry::isValid:

boolean isValid = itemRegistry.isValid(itemStack);

Adding a BancoItem

You can add a custom BancoItem by extending the interface:

public final class CustomItem implements BancoItem {

    private final Material material = Material.STONE;

    private final BigDecimal value = BigDecimal.valueOf("1");

    public BigDecimal value() {
        return value;

    public ItemStack asItemStack(int amount) {
        return new ItemStack(material, amount);


Lastly, this CustomItem has to be registered:

CustomItem customItem = new CustomItem();

Unregistering a BancoItem

Although it is not recommended, you may also unregister a BancoItem at any time:
