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Compatibility with 3rd party plugins

Starting with version 1.0, banco offers native compatibility for a wide range of third-party plugins:

Custom Items

banco will recognize and use items provided by these plugins as long as you configure their ID in settings.yml:

  • ItemsAdder (1)
  • Oraxen (2)
  • MythicMobs (3)
  • Nova (4)
  1. Type: itemsadder
  2. Type: oraxen
  3. Type: mythicmobs
  4. Type: nova

Example set-up using ItemsAdder

- type: itemsadder # (1)!
  identifier: example_identifier # (2)!
  value: '1' # (3)!
  1. You can see types by clicking on the annotations attached above
  2. ID of this item in ItemsAdder's configuration
  3. Economical value that this item will hold



  • %banco_balance% - player's balance
  • %banco_symbol% - currency symbol
  • %banco_name_singular% - currency name in singular
  • %banco_name_plural% - currency name in plural
  • %banco_version% - current banco version


  • Adds keyword [balance] to show formatted balance in the chat