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banco automatically translates messages based on the user’s language preferences. Currently, it supports the following languages:

  Locale Author
Catalan (Spain) ca_ES U8092
English (United States) en_US U8092
Spanish (Spain)  es_ES U8092
German (Germany) de_DE Loapu
Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR Redyiel
Russian (Russia) ru_RU deltathebuilder
Simplified Chinese zh_CN SnowCutieOwo

Overriding language keys

Starting with version 0.5, language keys can be globally overriden by editing plugins/banco/lang/ This feature is beneficial for users seeking to support additional languages that are currently not implemented.

# You can use this file to override language keys
# Keys:
# Please, consider contributing your translations by opening a pull request in our GitHub repo.
# Usage example:
# banco.errors.not-enough-arguments=No hi ha suficients arguments.

banco.errors.not-enough-arguments=No hi ha suficientes arguments.
banco.errors.invalid-command=Comanda invàlida.
banco.errors.player-not-found=No s'ha pogut trobar a {0}.
banco.errors.invalid-value={0} no és un valor correcte.
banco.errors.not-enough-funds=No tens suficients diners a l'inventari.

# ...


Please, consider contributing to our translation project by opening a pull request in our GitHub repository. You can also open a thread in #banco-support in our Discord.